Welcome to the spring edition of the MAMP newsletter. Like you, we're closely monitoring the quickly developing effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on our communities and industry. We want to assure you that we take the health and well-being of our members very seriously. In March, we made the decision to cancel our “in person” breakfast meetings through the end of May. In addition, we are working on alternate ways to hold our meetings remotely as we navigate this situation – watch your inbox for more information. Providing you the most up to date information and resources continues to be our main priority.
The MAMP leadership has been in continuous contact with Governor Mills Office, The Maine Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection, The Maine Secretary of States Office, all Maine members of Congress, The Mortgage Bankers Association, as well as many other industry related trade associations throughout both Maine and the rest of the country to actively educate and advocate on behalf of you; the Maine real estate finance industry. As this has been a revolving door of problem solving and advocacy, I would like to take a moment to highlight a recent legislative action the the MAMP leadership took.
On Friday, April 10, 2020 the MAMP leadership reached out to the offices of Senator King, Senator Collins, Representative Pingree, and Representative Golden to discuss the CARES Act and forbearance on mortgage payments. The statement issued by MAMP can be found HERE. *Please note - Also included was a letter of support that was sent to Secretary Mnuchin and the Financial Stability Oversight Council that was endorsed by several senators and many officers from various government agencies - click HERE to view letter.
We are all in this together. The MAMP leadership will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and will follow guidance from public health officials and government agencies, so that we can continue to support our members. I hope you and your families are staying healthy and are enjoying this valuable time together. Please let us know if there is any way that MAMP can be of assistance.
- Lori Michaud (CUSO), MAMP President
State of Maine COVID-19 Resources
MBA COVID-19 Resources by Topic and Agency
Mortgage Action Alliance's (MAA) Action Week - Action Week May 4-8, 2020. Action Week is a national, industry-wide campaign aimed at growing MAA and activating real estate finance professionals in key states and congressional districts. MAA has over 31,000 active members nationwide in an industry of over 250,000 employees.
MAMP's 2020 Charity Golf Tournament - CANCELLED *Due to unforeseen circumstances (COVID-19) MAMP's 2020 Charity Golf Tournament has been cancelled. Please contact Rhonda Small (rsmall@harborone.com), or our ED (mampexecutivedirector@gmail.com) if you have any questions.
Annual BOD Elections and Annual Meeting - It is that time of the year folks! Please be on the lookout for information pertaining to both the submission of applications for candidates interested in serving on the MAMP Board of Directors as well as announcements for when and how the 2020 Annual Membership Meeting will be conducted - more details to come!
2020 Maine Mortgage Expo - November 4, 2020 (Italian Heritage Center, Portland, ME) - more details to come!
Educational Webinar (Breakfast Meetings) - The MAMP Education Committee has been working diligently to create alternative options that will allow the association to continue to provide education and value to MAMP members. With that being said, the committee is in the works of scheduling MAMP's first 2020 Educational Webinar
- more details to come!

The Maine State Housing Authority (MaineHousing) is an independent authority created by the Maine State Legislature in 1969 to address problems of unsafe, unsuitable, overcrowded, and unaffordable housing. At its core, the agency couples the efficiencies of the private financial markets with public purpose goals to provide affordable home ownership and rental housing opportunities for Maine people.
Since inception, the agency has been asked to handle additional responsibilities on behalf of the state. As a result, MaineHousing administers a number of federal housing-related programs, including the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program, the Section 8 Rental Assistance programs, the Emergency Solutions Grant Program, the Weatherization Program, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, and others. Such programs reduce the costs associated with housing for Maine people.
To learn more about the Maine State Housing Authority (MaineHousing) click here to visit their website.
MAMP continues to engage with legislators, local businesses, and neighboring trade associations to keep our members informed during this crisis and to protect the interest of the real estate finance industry - we are here for you!
Maine Association of Mortgage Professionals
P.O. Box 7855
Portland, ME 04112
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Welcome to the spring edition of the MAMP newsletter. Like you, we're closely monitoring the quickly developing effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on our communities and industry. We want to assure you that we take the health and well-being of our members very seriously. In March, we made the decision to cancel our “in person” breakfast meetings through the end of May. In addition, we are working on alternate ways to hold our meetings remotely as we navigate this situation – watch your inbox for more information. Providing you the most up to date information and resources continues to be our main priority.
The MAMP leadership has been in continuous contact with Governor Mills Office, The Maine Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection, The Maine Secretary of States Office, all Maine members of Congress, The Mortgage Bankers Association, as well as many other industry related trade associations throughout both Maine and the rest of the country to actively educate and advocate on behalf of you; the Maine real estate finance industry. As this has been a revolving door of problem solving and advocacy, I would like to take a moment to highlight a recent legislative action the the MAMP leadership too